Bhagavth geetha, yogavasishta, Bharthruhari’s upadesa sataka and neetisataka Chanakya neetisara, Sukra neetisara, Bhishma upadsa, Vudura upadesa are also excellent books gives messages on the Indian approach to management.
1. Given over egotism, brute force, arrogance, lust and anger, some people always behave in their life leading to terrible negatives for themselves and for others. Bhagavath geetha –16/18
2. Over ambition anger and greed are the triples gates for the hell and they will ruin everything in one’s life if not properly controlled. Bhagavath geetha 16/21
3. There are three type of qualities for everything and every type of approach. They are saatwika, rajaseeka and thaamasika. This can also be called as three level of the human beings. At the lowest and most negative level is thaamasika, at a higher level it is rajaseeka and the best and top quality level it is saatwika. Bhagavath geetha chapters 17 & 18
4. There are satwika, rajaseeka and thaamasika types of temperaments, personalities, focus, aims, pathways, results, processes, methods, foods, nature, etc. hence if you are in the thamasika level, try to grow higher to rajaseeka first and then to satwika. Bhagavat geetha Chapters 17 & 18
5. Treating alike the victory and defeat, gain and loss, pleasure and pain, get rady for facing the life. You will attain happiness . Bhagavath geetha 2/ 38
6. Whose mind remains unpurturbed amid sorrows, whose thirst for pleasures ahas altogether disappeared and who is free from over passion, fear and anger heattains the goal faster. Bhagavath geetha 2/56
7. There is not a single merit of the virtuous which is not branded as a defect by wikced men, modesty is counted as dullness. Religious practices ostentation, honesty as dissimulation, valour as mercilessness, meditation as lack of intelligence, gentleness of speech as feebleness, prowess as arrogance and strong power of expression as garrulousness. Bhartruhari neetisataka
8. Obeisance to that effulgent spirit who transcends space and time, who is infinite, who is the very personification of consciousness, who is tranquil and who can be known only through inner experience. Neetisatakam-1
9. Obeisance to Sarada Devi the Chandrakaladhara who has transformed the bliss of knowledge into beauty in herself. She is reflected in the mirror of our mind according to the quality of its cleanliness. Nityaneeti-2
10. He who is taught by the Sages, he who has inherited the Vedas and the Sastras and does not contradict them and he who has been initiated to discriminatory logic; he only is to be recognized as a Dharmajna. Not anybody else. Manusmruti -12-106
11. Mind is the master of the entire army of senses. Hence winning over the mind is the real victory. A person with leather footwear feels as though the whole earth is covered by hide. Subhashitavali 3-347.
12. Just as a ball thrown at the wall rebounds back, the evil that is done to another boomerangs to the perpetrator. Kathaasartsagara 3-6-213
13. Money can be spent in three ways-by giving in charity, by enjoying it, or destroying it. He who neither gives it to another nor enjoys it himself-the third alternative is inevitable. Neetisatakam-34
14. What are the defects of philanthropist? What are the merits of a miser? There is no defect greater than stinginess. There is no merit greater than charity. Sabharanjanasatakam 36
15. He who maligns the good maligns himself. The ashes that are thrown at the sky falls on one’s own head. Dushtantakalikasatakam- 27
16. One should visit royalty and meet its close associates. Even if there is no benefit from it, one can at least avoid their hindrances. - parisishtam-19
17. Some were ruined by ignorance. Some were destroyed by carelessness. Some were ruined by the pride of their supposed knowledge and scholarship; yet others were ruined by these ruined peoples. Subhashitam-153/14
18. The wise should learn to accept wisdom from anybody, even from a child. Doesn’t the small nightlamp shine things which the sun can not? Subhashitam –153/25 Charitable nature, the art of pleasant speech, courage of conviction, right conduct – these are not the results of cultivation; they are inborn. Subhashitam 158/213
19. For the poor man sensual enjoyment is like poison. For the coward, battle is like poison. For the uninitiated, knowledge is like poison. For one who has indigestion, food itself is poison. Hitopadesa-10
20. The frog proudly keeps croaking though it drinks filthy water. The cuckoo doesn’t feel proud though if feeds on delicious mango juice. Nityaneeti -28
21. The doer, the promoter, the instigator and the approver, all the four share the responsibility equally in good or bad deeds. Nityaneeti-30
22. Dharma destroys him who destroys Dharma. Dharma does protect him who protects it. Dharma therefore should not be abandoned. That Dharma, which is going to perish shall not destroy us. Nityaneeti - 14
23. The wise could never launch anything which bears no fruit, which ends tragically, which has no gain over the expenditure and which is impossible. Subhashitavali-2720
24. Earning money is tribulation; protecting it is problem. If money is lost it causes sorrow. Even to spend it is painful. Down with money, the cause of all! Nityaneeti-37.
25. One who has no merit cannot appreciate merit. However, a merited person is jealous of another meritorious person. Thus a simple man of merit who appreciates the meritorious is very rare. Subhashitam - 45/13
26. Nobody trims the hair on the eyelids, but the hair on the head is regularly cut. In the world, only those who are growing and productive, face impediments. Nityaneeti-40
27. In order to understand the golden streaks-the ups and downs of friendship, a knowledge of what the friends say behind one’s back is the measuring instrument. Nityaneeti-42
28. The capricious tongue slips easily because it is in the wet region. It needs to be bound firmly by the rope of discrimination. Nityaneeti- 44
29. The virtuous perceive their virtues through the others. The shall perceiving eye perceives itself only through the mirror. Nityaneeti -46
30. Even the week, when they are in good number, gain strength. A rope that is made a strands of grass can bind even an elephant. Nityaneeti- 47
31. Merely because a bamboo grows in the Malaya mountain, it does not becomes sandalwood. Who can install quality in one who is hollow? Nityaneeti-48
32. An evil person, though learned should be avoided. Though a serpent is adorned by a jewel does it not strike terror? Hitopadesa- 1/82
33. What is the purpose of parrot-like learning devoid of practice? It may, as best, entertain people. Darpadalanam- 3/31
34. When a mean person maligns a noble person, the noble one does not retaliate. When a dog bites a man, the man does not bite the dog in return. Neetidwishashtika –63.
35. The anger of the noble, like the friendship of the low, does not easily occur; if it occurs it is only momentary and the result is different. Bhojacharitam- 285
36. The faulty who tries to find fault with the faultless cannot sleep in comfort as if in a snake-haunted house. Nityaneeti- 76
37. Good people, even when they are angry, melt if occasion arises-not the mean ones. Solid gold can melt but not a blade of grass. Neetiswishtika -101
38. A mild person can derive benefit in the association of the strong, just as the soft tongue enjoys different tastes because of strong teeth around. Kavitamrutakoopam-33
39. Just as mere ploughing of the fields without sowing does not bear fruit, mere faith will not yield anything. Nityaneeti- 86
40. Familiarity, breeds contempt! Though dwelling in the holy sangam of Prayag, don’t people bathe in well-water? Neetidwishashtika parisishtam -16
41. By kinetic movement, even an ant covers hundred of miles; but a static kite doesn’t move a step forward. Nityaneeti- 98
42. A wise person must give happiness in whatever manner to whatever living being; that itself is the worship of God. Nityaneeti- 100
43. When the sorrow is confided to a friend, it lightens the mind. Those who are carrying weight do transfer it from one to another shoulder, don’t they? Subhashitasudhanidhi- 131
44. Mental repetition is definitely better than mere hearing of the sastras. However, practicing it is even better than mere repetition of the same Nityaneeti 108
45. Truth is my mother, Knowledge is my father. Dharma, righteousness is my brother. Compassion is my preceptor. Peace is my friend. Forgiveness is my sister. These six are my true relatives. Nityaneeti- 110
46. It is only hard work and effort that result in fruitful achievement – not mere idle speculation. Animals do not fall into the open mouth of a sleeping lion of their own accord. Panchatatram- 2/138
47. There is always a difference between the good and the evil. The cow eats grass and gives milk. The serpent drinks milk and generates poison. Prasankabharanam -5
48. He who speaks gently, thoughtfully, sparingly, truthfully, discerningly, beneficially and pleasantly is rare indeed. Neetidwishashtika -36
49. One achieves greatness only by good qualities and not because he is seated in a position of power. Just because a crow sits on the top of a palace, it does not become a garuda, the holy kite. Chanakyaneetisatakam –16/6
50. How can sastras help one who doesn’t have innate discrimination of intellect? How can spectacle help a blind person? Nityaneeti -117
51. One cannot avoid one’s fate by running away; fire that has caught the tail feather of a birth follows it wherever it flied. Rajatarangini –7/222
52. Only truth must be spoken, and in a manner relished. Unrelished truth should not be spoken, nor relished untruth. This is wisdom eternal. Manusmruti –4/138
53. A fundamental quality cannot be changed by advice. Water however hot does become cold once again. Panchatatram –1/201
54. One would find those who know ethics, those who know the rule of Fate, those who know the Vedas, those who know the Sastras and even those who have knowledge of the Brahman. But very rarely one finds people who are aware of their own ignorance. Variagyasatakam - 26
55. One should be prepared to meet difficulties even before they arise. Staring to dig a well when the house is one fire is not wise. Sarngadharapaddati -1440
56. Poverty is better than ill-gotten wealth. It is better to be lean and healthy than obese and unhealthy. Saarngadharapaddhati -1441
57. Good looks is the adornment for man. Character is the adornment for good looks. Wisdom is the adornment for character. Forgiveness is the adornment for wisdom. Naraabharanam -2
58. When our mind is at peace, everything becomes pleasant. For the contented, even the disagreeable becomes agreeable. For the unhappy even pleasant things become unpleasant. Ramayanamanjari –3/1136
59. For the self-respected ones, there are only two ways, as for a bunch of flowers-adorning the heads of others or withering away in a forest. Neetisatakam -25
60. By heating it up and melting in fire, by cutting it rubbing it etc., gold is not unhappy; but it becomes sorrowful, when it to be weighed against “gunja” (A precatorious-small seed used to weigh gold against). Subhashitasudhanandalahari 10
61. Of what use is learning scriptures for a person who doesn’t have the talent to adjust according to the situation? Of what use are lovely flowers for a bald person? Sabharanjanasatakam 13
62. Dependence is sorrow. Self dependence is happiness. This discrimination shows the difference between happiness and sorrow. Manusmruti - 4/159
63. A bad man who is stupid, like a fangless snake is better than an evil genius who is tarrying like a black cobra with wings. Desopadesa –1/18
64. Good health, sound body, freedom from debts, sinlessness, independence, lack of worry and unassailable belief in God – if these are present, it is heaven itself. Nityaneeti –157
65. Love and friendship with the wicked should not be cultivated. Charcoal burns when alive and dirties the hand when cold. Kavitamrutakoopak - 84
66. It is easy to find flattering people. But rare are those who speak unpalatable truths and rarer, a listener. Ramayanam- 3/37
67. Over-eloquence generates contempt. Silence generates esteem. The noisy anklet is fixed at the feet while the silent jewel adorns the neck. Nityaneeti -165
68. ‘Tapas’ is according to the wise; non-violence, truthfulness, generosity, control of the senses and compassion-not mere punishment of the body. Nityaneeti -166
69. Knowledge brings modesty; from modesty comes worthiness; worthiness would bring wealth; from wealth flows charity. This is the path to happiness. Nityaneeti -167
70. There is no letter which has no potential of mantra. There is no herb which has no potential of medicine. There is no man who is worthless. But one who can identify these is rare. Nityaneeti-175
71. Alteration, monetary transaction, begging, excessive talk, borrowing, hankering after position, these break friendship. Nityaneeti- 182
72. Nobody knows that happens tomorrow. The wise, therefore would not postpone anything indefinitely. Nityaneeti- 191
73. The test of friendship is during one’s misfortune. The test of valour is in the battlefield. The test of a servant is by his loyalty. The test of charity is in indigence. Nityaneeti- 197
74. The word that is uttered by the good even casually is like an inscription etched in stone. Even the sworn words of the evil are like what is written on water. Nityaneeti- 206
75. The good qualities of even an enemy have be mentioned. The shortcomings of even a preceptor have to be mentioned. However, good taste and propriety should not be abandoned while doing so. Nityaneeti- 213
76. Is it enough to declare that one is born in a noble family? Don’t briars and thorns grow and flourish in the fertile ground? Mruchaktikam – 8/29
77. Sterile enmity is not to be indulged in. It is like chewing the horn of a cow. It pains the teeth and gums but produces no juice. Nityaneeti- 220
78. The jewel for the hand is charity. The jewel for the neck is Truth. The jewel for the ear is listening to Sastra. Such being the case, when is the need for other jewels? Nityaneeti- 204
79. He who gives away whatever is requested, and he who doesn’t ask anything of anybody, has not been in the past, nor will be in the future. Subhashitavali –2973
80. The wind becomes a friend of the burning fire that destroys a whole forest. The same wind mercilessly extinguishes a small flame. Where are friends for the humble? Saarngadharapaddhati –488
81. One should not lament over the past. There is no use in dreaming of the future. The wise live for the present. Chanakyaneetisatakam-13/2
82. Those who are slaves of desire remain slaves of the entire world. But those who have enslaved desire, the whole world is at their feet. kavitamrutakoopakam -27
83. No harm will come to him who speaks in accordance with the situation, who acts in accordance with his mental equipment and who gets just as angry as he can afford to. Nityaneeti- 234
84. Though the pain of getting the ears pierced in order to wear ornaments and bearing their weight bothers the ears, the cheeks enjoy the beauty. This is the way one is happy in another’s unhappiness. Nityaneeti- 235
85. What is sorrow? Discontentment. What is lethargy? That which has been learnt but not kept in touch. What is the basis for respect? Not asking for any favours. Prasnotararatnamaalika –14
86. An evil not done is good, for, sorrow inevitably follows an evil deed. It is good if only the good is done. That alone is good which does not bring any regret. Dharmapadam-2/9
87. Desire is a strange bondage. Those who are bound by it keep continuously running after it. Those who are not bound will stay, but like the lame. Subhashitam-76/10
88. That which is considered abusive from an unfriendly source, become good natured raillery if it comes from a well wisher. What is thick smoke from firewood becomes fragrant ‘dhupa’ from the aguru wood. Aryasaptasati -13
89. Never should one cultivate intimacy with wealth. If it is lost all status is lost. If it is gained, it is spent away. Nityaneeti- 254
90. However high the buzzard flies, its sight is focused on the rotting flesh. No matter how high a position is occupied by a wicked man, he indulges in despicable acts. Nityaneeti- 260
91. Good people never lose their composure even in the worst distress. Even while burning camphor emanates fragrance. Drushtantakalikasatakam - 37
92. While greed initiates a man into evil deeds as an unfaithful wife, shyness protects him from evil like a mother. Nityaneeti- 263
93. Trees are like good people. While they themselves stand in the scorching sun, they provide shade and fruit for others. Nityaneeti- 264
94. A characterless person never salvages what is left, just as one in soiled clothing who never hesitates to squat anywhere. Panchatantram- 4/30
95. The unlearnt learning in the first quarter of a life, the unearned wealth in the second, the undone righteous acts in the third, what can they ever do in the fourth? Subhashitam-84/9
96. Contact with the great is always beneficial. Does not even a drop of water on the lotus leaf shine like a pearl? Panchatantram 3/59
97. Wickedness towards the noble tends to turn into good; but the good turns into evil for the wicked. For the Rahu, nectar became poison but for the noble Siva, even poison turned into ambrosian embellishment. Samayochitapadyamaalika 6/12
98. It is better to be knocked by a horse than to ride a donkey. The condemnation of a scholar is better that the praise of an idiot. Subhashitam- 45/22
99. Soft-spokeness in charity, learning in modesty, strength, accompanied by forgiveness, wealth accompanied by sacrifice-these four are rare. Hitopadesa –1/58
100. What is Dharma devoid of compassion? What is compassion devoid of Dharma? The best manifestation of Dharma and compassion is but found in discretion. Nityaneeti- 294